Policies & Procedures
If you are not feeling well enough to come to work or have personal circumstances that require you to call out, you must:
1) CALL THE EM CHIEF PHONE (917-410-1056) - do not just text
2) EMAIL the following:
For Cornell call-outs: EMSICKCALLCORNELL@med.cornell.edu
For Columbia call-outs: EMD-CUIMCSickCallNotification@LISTS.CUMC.COLUMBIA.EDUWe value your wellness and want you to feel empowered to use sick call coverage when you are unable to fulfill your clinical duties due to illness. However, please use sick call judiciously as calling out requires us to pull a resident from another educational experience to cover your shift.
Per NYP policy, residents are eligible for 5 sick call days and 3 bereavement days per year. If a 5-day limit is expected to be exceeded for sick call, the resident should notify the residency leadership as soon as possible. The resident may need to apply for short term disability or FMLA depending on the individual circumstances.
-PGY-1 residents will take 4 weeks of sick call coverage during their Anesthesia/EMS rotation.
-PGY-2 residents will take 6 weeks of sick call coverage during their Toxicology rotation and one Selective block (designated in light green on the annual block schedule).Order for junior sick call activation:
1. Anesthesia/EMS
2. Toxicology
3. SelectiveWhen there are multiple sick call activations during the week, the chiefs will rotate between the toxicology, anesthesia/EMS, and selective residents on sick call.
Juniors will alternate weekend coverage while on the following rotations:
Toxicology (2 weekends)
Anesthesia/EMS (2 weekends)
Ultrasound (2 weekends)
Selective sick call (1 weekend)Order for junior weekend sick call activation:
Weekends 1 and 3
1. Toxicology
2. UltrasoundWeekends 2 and 4
1. Anesthesia/EMS
2. Selective*Weekends are 7:30PM Friday to 8:00AM Monday
**The order for weekend coverage may be changed. Residents covering weekend sick call are required to give the chiefs 1-week advance notice if there are any changes to the call-schedule order listed above.
-PGY-3 residents will take 2 weeks of sick call coverage during their pediatric anesthesia rotation.
-PGY-4 residents will take 4 weeks of sick call coverage during home elective. Senior residents will be given the opportunity to select their preferences regarding which 4 weeks of Elective they would like to designate for sick call coverage.Order for senior sick call activation:
1. PGY4 Elective (max 4)
2. Pediatric Anesthesia/Tele (max 2)
3. OB (max 1 day)
4. Moonlighting request
-PGY-3 residents will take 24 hours of sick call coverage on one Saturday during their Columbia ED rotations.
-PGY-4 residents will take 24 hours of sick call coverage on one Sunday during their Cornell ED rotations.
-Residents on pediatric anesthesia and home elective month will NOT take call on weekends (OFF Friday 7:30PM – Monday 8:00AM).*Weekends are 7:30PM Friday to 8:00AM Monday
No more than 60 clinical hours per week, with a week defined as Sunday 00:00 to Saturday 23:59
For juniors, this is a maximum of 5 12-hour shifts
The 60 hours is only scheduled clinical hours, and therefore does not include transit time, conference time, sign out, etc.
All residents must have a minimum of 1 day off per week (24 hour period)
All residents must have a minimum of 8 hours off before an 8 hour shift, and 12 hours off before a 12 hour shift
For example, a Mc --> Dc shift, for example, would violate duty hours since it is just 8 hours off prior to a 12-hour shift. However, a B/D shift --> A shift, although not ideal, does comply since it allows for 8 hours off before an 8-hour shift.
Moonlighting Policy
Residents may be permitted to participate in approved moonlighting activities if they are in good professional, academic and clinical standing within the program.Permission to moonlight must be obtained from the Program Director prior to any moonlighting activities and you must have read and have a signed copy of this policy in your residency file.
All moonlighting is counted toward the 72-hour work week and other ACGME work hour rules.
Getting Started
In order to start picking up moonlighting shifts, first email Dr. Christie Lech expressing interest. Dr. Lech will review your eligibility (see handbook for eligibility criteria) and subsequently send you the 'Graduate Staff Request for Moonlighting' form. Fill this out and send to Dr. Lech, Gail Fayanju, and Maria Yioupis. GME then has to approve you for moonlighting, which can take several weeks.Once approved by GME, you we be added to ShiftAdmin, where you can see what shifts are available to pick up for moonlighting. You may contact Meredith Alfred or Alba Carrasco if you have questions regarding ShiftAdmin access. Please note that on ShiftAdmin you may have to change the organization at the top of your home page to access the CUMC schedule.
Picking Up A Shift (CUMC/Allen)
After picking up a shift on ShiftAdmin, please email the following with the shift you are requesting: NYPEM Chiefs, Dr. Lech, Gail, Maria, Dr. Garg, and cc: Meredith Alfred (GEM scheduler), Alba Carrasco (GEM scheduler), Matthew Wieland (APP manager).The Chiefs will approve duty hours and Dr. Lech will confirm eligibility. Then Gail/ the schedulers can process the shift on ShiftAdmin.
If you are unable to make it to a moonlighting shift due to illness, as with any other callout, please CALL the chief phone. Please also email the list above.
To get paid for your moonlighting shift, please email the Chiefs, Gail, and Maria with the date and # of hours worked after you complete your moonlighting shift.
Graduate Staff Level Salary (Effective July 2024)
PGY1: $89,100
PGY2: $98,700
PGY3: $106,700
PGY4: $109,800
+Annual Living Supplement: $7500 ($1875 paid quarterly)Graduate Staff Benefits
Details regarding Graduate Staff Benefits for the 24-25 academic year can be found here.
Additional NYP Resources
Graduate Staff are eligible for up to 6 weeks of PTO for parental leave and up to an additional 6 weeks of parental leave may be available at less than full pay per NYSPFLL. Parental leave is available to primary and secondary parents in the birth, adoption or surrogacy of a child. Graduate Staff who are either the primary or secondary parent are eligible for 6 weeks of paid time off in accordance with ACGME Institutional Requirement IV.H.1.a).
If you are seeking parental leave, please reach out to NYPEM Residency program leadership as soon as you are able to to discuss options. The GME Liaison for parental leave is Omar Francis (omf9002@nyp.org). In addition to notifying program leadership and GME, you will have to file a claim with The Hartford (NYP’s leave provider).
More information can be found on HR Connect.
Dear Residents,
It has come to my attention that in the past there was no process for you to provide confidential feedback to the program leadership. Thus, in an effort to make sure you have a confidential and anonymous line directly to me, we have created a SurveyMonkey where you can free text any concerns you may have about the program.
As always (at any time), you can reach out to me directly at my personal phone (215-266-4830) or on email:
Your concerns and your continued success (personally and professionally) are a top priority for me. Together we will continue to make our residency family stronger, supportive, and safe.
Cornell Scheduling Chief:
Barbara Magid
Columbia Scheduling Chief:
Christian Davidson
Cornell Education Chief:
Reena Sheth
Columbia Education Chief:
Shriman Balasubramanian