Academic Practice Tracks
Academic practice tracks (APTs) represent the various areas of sub-specialization within emergency medicine. Similar to ‘mini fellowships’, the APTs exist to support faculty and residents to mutually benefit one another as they pursue work and enhance their expertise within specific niches of EM. The faculty at both Columbia and Weill Cornell are talented leaders in the various EM subspecialities, and resident engagement in the APTs serves to foster interest, accomplishment, and career advancement in the various areas.
Each resident is expected to join one APT during the intern year, and their choice can be reconsidered within the first two years. Each APT is rigorously designed and administered, and activities within the track are assigned point values. Residents must complete 100 points in order to qualify for official APT certification (which is noted in their Graduation Letter). By the end of PGY2 year, residents are expected design and present (with their mentors) a plan for their track-based Scholarly Project.
There are 14 APTs to choose from: